Monday, December 8, 2008

NUR 235 Orientation December 12, 2008

Please attend the orientation to NUR 235 on 12/12/08 at the High Tech Center at 10:00 am. Some students have said that they are unable to attend. The following information is the contents of the letter that will be given out that day. The students who attend will also recieve their schedule, preceptor site, and section number for class. The NUR 235 class begins Wednesday Jan 14, 2009. Your course instructors are Amy Putnam and Blake Rogers. If you are in section 1, then you will come from 0900-1200 to the Regional High Tech Center. If you are in section 2, then you will come from 1300-1600 to the Regional High Tech Center. Class will be conducted every Wednesday. Your lectures will be posted using the Camtasia technology on the HCC Blackboard website. Everybody will have clinical lab at on the following dates 1/15, 1/16 at the Student Center on HCC campus from 0900-1600. You will also have clinical lab on 1/22 and 1/23 at the Regional High Tech Center from 0900-1600. For students coming forward for NUR 235 from SCC and TCCC, we need for you to complete some information for our distance learning dept. so that you will have Blackboard access the first day of classes. Please go the following web address for step-by-step instructions on how to set up your HCC Blackboard account: This is vital since NUR 235 and NUR 255 are administrated through the HCC Blackboard set-up. The clinical portion of the course is called the focused client care experience. This involves three experiences, which include clinical, preceptorship, and simulation. The clinical portion of the experience is six weeks in duration. If your clinical is scheduled at Mission Hospitals, then you will go on Thursday and Friday from 0630-1530. If your clinical is scheduled at Haywood Regional Medical Center, then you will go on Monday and Tuesday from 0630-1530. The dates are reflected in your individual schedules. The preceptorship is five weeks in duration. You are to complete 96 hours with your preceptor during that time. The dates of preceptorship that are listed on your schedules are the Sunday dates of each of the five weeks. During that time, you will work with your preceptor on his/her schedule. The facilities are aware that you cannot work Tuesday night or Wednesday day or night due to classes. Once the facilities get the preceptor name and contact information to us, we will distribute them to you. You are responsible for contacting your preceptor and setting up the schedule during your allotted five weeks. The dates of your preceptorship are reflected in your individual schedules. The simulation portion is two days in duration. The simulation is on Thursday and Friday, according to your schedule. The Thursday will be at the Haywood Campus from 0900-1900. The Friday will be spent completing your virtual clinical excursion at home. The dates of your simulation are reflected in your individual schedules.

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